
~my playlist~

~I know Fashion ~

I know fashion
Models posing, critics complaining,
Celebs shopping, paparazzi stalking
I know fashion
Perfume scents fill the air, bling-bling glistens everywhere,
Cameras flash here and there, diet pills popped everywhere
I know fashion
“I wana be like her”, “These rail thin models”
“The camera loves ya! ”, “Let’s go Shopping! ”
I know fashion

Brooke Freeman

Shopping Spree!

Going on a shopping
spree with my girl
We went for the day....

We bought some clothes...
went to get some
In the afternoon we
went back and did
some more shopping.

Then we decided to
stop at Dairy Queens
to have some
ice cream and
then we went and
did more shopping.


lisa parks

~shopping poems~

I love to go
You can buy all you want.
All you see are shoes
And jewelry
And pants
And shirts
And skirts
Oh yeah!
You can eat anywhere
You want
And there are toys
And games
And purses.
Every time I go to the
Mall, I go with my mom
And cousins
And my friends
And brother
And my aunt.
I love to go shopping
To the mall,
For all the

Neena Sander

~Let's Go Shopping~

Written by Chris Cotter
  • Do you like shopping? Why/not?
  • Do you usually buy expensive products or are you a bargain hunter? Please explain.
  • If you didn't need to worry about money, could you go shopping every day?
  • Did you go shopping last week? If yes, what did you buy? If no, why didn't you go shopping?
  • Have you ever bought something on the Internet? If yes, what did you buy?

  • How often do you go shopping? Do you think this is too much or too little?
  • What was the last thing that you bought?
  • What was the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
  • What is a spur-of-the-moment purchase? Do you often make spur-of-the-moment purchases?
  • What is a shopaholic? Are you a shopaholic?
  • What is a cheapskate? Are you a cheapskate?
  • What kind of stores do you prefer, big name stores or small shops?
  • If money weren't important, what would you absolutely want to buy? Why would you want to buy it? Please explain.

  • Do you have any plans to go shopping this weekend? If yes, what do you want to buy? If no, then why aren't you going to go shopping?
  • Do you prefer to go to stores or to buy products on the Internet?
  • Do you think women love shopping more than men? Why do you think so?
  • If you found $100, what would you buy? How about $10,000? Why would you buy these products?
  • Why do people often buy something that they don't really need?
  • Which is better, shopping alone or shopping with friends? Why do you think so?
  • A classmate or friend plans to visit your hometown or country. What should he/she buy as a souvenir? Please explain.

~trust it~


of shopaholics are



the others

~Preview some of the lesson material~

Warm Up: Do you agree or disagree? Why?

1. I love to go shopping.

2. I often buy things that I don't really need.

3. I often buy things that I didn't plan to buy.

4. My friends would consider me a shopaholic.

5. I have recently made a large purchase.

True or False?: Guess (before the article) or answer (after the article) whether the sentence is true or false. If false, correct the sentence.

1. According to the article, shopaholics are people obsessed with shopping.

2. Less people suffer from compulsive buying than in the past.

3. According to the article, more women than man are shopaholics.

4. Shopaholics may also suffer from anxiety and low self-esteem.

5. Both rich people and poor people suffer from compulsive buying.

post-Comprehension: Talk about the following questions in pairs/groups. Remember to support your answers!

1. Based on the information in the article, would you consider
yourself a shopaholic? Why/not?

2.Based on the information in the article, do you know anyone
who might be a shopaholic? Why/not?

3.Do you agree that women and men suffer from the problem
equally? Why/not?

4.Do you agree that anxiety and low self-esteem cause compulsive
buying? Why/not?

5.What solutions are there for people who are shopaholics? How can
they be helped?


What Is A Shopaholic?
> a person who shops compulsively or very frequently.

What Is Shopping
Omniomania, compulsive shopping (or what's more commonly referred to as shopping addiction), is perhaps the most socially reinforced of the behavioral addictions.

We are surrounded by advertising, telling us that buying will make us happy. We are encouraged by politicians to spend as a way of boosting the economy. And we all want to have what those around us have –- consumerism has become a measure of our social worth.

Although widespread consumerism has escalated in recent years, shopping addiction is not a new disorder. It was recognized as far back as the early

nineteenth century, and was cited as a psychiatric disorder in the early twentieth century.

Almost everyone shops to some degree, but only about 6% of the U.S. population is thought to have a shopping addiction. Usually beginning in the late teens and early adulthood, shopping addiction often co-occurs with other disorders, including mood and anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, eating disorders, other impulse control disorders, and personality disorders.

Normal Shopping v. Shopping Addiction

So what makes the difference between normal shopping, occasional splurges, and shopping addiction? As with all addictions, shopping becomes the person’s main way of coping with stress, to the point where they continue to shop excessively even when it is clearly having a negative impact on other areas of their life. As with other addictions, finances and relationships are damaged, yet the shopping addict feels unable to stop or even control their spending.

Are you an over-spender?

Take the compulsive shopping quiz
1. Do you shop or spend money as a result of feeling depressed, disappointed, angry, scared or lonely?
2. Do you experience emotional distress or chaos in your life due to shopping or spending habits?
3. Do you have arguments with others about your shopping or spending habits?
4. Do you feel lost without credit cards?
5. Do you buy items on credit that would not be bought with cash?
6. Do you feel a rush of both euphoria and anxiety when spending money?
7. Do you feel guilty, ashamed, embarrassed or confused after shopping or spending money?
8. Do you lie to others about purchases made or how much money was spent?
9. Do you think excessively about money?
10. Do you spend a lot of time juggling accounts or bills to accommodate spending?

> People who answered yes four or more times may have a problem with shopping or spending

Source: Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery at Proctor Hospital.

~a new task~

We have learn how to manage a blog during ICTL subject and wed have to create one..
so we decided to choose SHOPAHOLICS as a title to our blog..
Why we chose that topic? This is because both of us love shopping and so do the other girls...
We're new in blogging,,so thanks for reading our blog..
It will be nothing much here since this is our first time in blogging..
well good day and wish us luck in managing this blog..

~An Introduction~

We're EE which stands for :

~Azreen Nadira bt. Zamri
~Born on 21.12.1994
~Pretty and lenient

~Nur Qistina Izzani bt. Ibrahim
~Born on 5.6.1994
~Talkative and funny

~i love shopping~